In the Field - Pyro Punk Punts Puny Pesquisadores!
Holy effetch goodness. This week was awesome! I'm learning Portuguese and teaching English to Brazilians. I'm baptizing men. I'm helping people get closer to Christ. I'm...I'm...
Ohey. I'm a missionary.
It's weird to realize that I'm in the swing of a missionary lifestyle. I don't question how I'm doing stuff now. I just do it. Gaaaah. I also's way the heck simpler than real life.
That said, time to report in on what's been going on in that "simple" life.
So. First thing's first: ELDER HOLLAND IS GOING TO COME TO OUR MISSION ON THE 25th. FEEETCH **foams at the mouth and claws at the air**. We're gonna get a freaking apostle here. One of only twelve in the world...and the one that tends to be the most fiery in his discourses. Many of the Elders here are telling each other "Repent, repent! The fires of judgement are at hand!" There's almost certainly gonna be a little burning here in the Maceió Brazil mission. I just hope I can snap a few pictures of it!
I also need to take pictures when other awesome things happen too. Like going to the churrascaria (which is a Brazilian steakhouse, and incidentally one of my weaknesses) with a member. Or when we BAPTIZE OUR FIRST MAN EVER ON THE MISSION.
Fetch. Yes. It actually happened. Luis Carlos is now a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - and is my first baptism of an adult male ever. This is awesome, because proportionally there are many more women converts on our mission than with men. These men also become critical parts of the Church, as they become holders of God's Priesthood and ministers to their (sometimes future) family, and best of all their lives are blessed in ways that are otherwise impossible to obtain.
There's also three announcements I would like to make. The first is to my brother, Shawn! It's his birthday on the 24th (if memory serves), which is tomorrow! He turns 16 - and that means he's DATEABLE. Bahaha. I love you, my bruh!
Second is a congratulations to Chad Schirmer, one of my teachers at the Provo MTC. If something didn't change his plans, he's getting married on the 26th! Irmão Schirmer! Send me some pictuuures! I want to see the results of that photobooth rental you told me about!
The third and final announcement occured sometime last Thursday:

Yup. Elder Holland and the missionary leadership aren't the only ones burning stuff! I do believe I'm going slightly crazy in a good way. I keep waking up in the middle of the night...and I'm teaching a lesson in Portuguese. Perhaps it was my lack of baptisms for the last five weeks before Saturday?
So. With that faintly coherent post for this week out of the way, I'll leave y'all back to life. BUT. As usual, it's time to humbly grovel for mail! I love it when you guys are willing to take the time to update me! Just remember: all shall be justly rewarded once the missionary returns from the land of beans and rice.
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