Monday, May 7, 2012

The End of the Beginning

Alright. So, there was an issue last week I wasn't aware of - and that was the email size for the blog was exceeded because of the photos I attached! Sofetch. I get to start over, and repaste stuff. Never fear, new content is always here!


See the title? That's right. Elder Holland said that to us as a mission. And man was that talk AWESOME. Despite having to endure 10 hours total on a bus, being host to 20 in a house ill-suited for such a purpose, and having a rather large headache, going to the mission headquarters to see the world's most fiery Apostle of Christ was fantastic. I think I'm just gonna paste my favorite quotes here:

"[T]his work is [the most important thing you'll do in your life]...because you are apostles. I'm an Apostle with an uppercase 'A', and you're the apostles with a lowercase 'a'...the difference being I have to die to get released from my calling."

He told us that we're doing what he does every day - we're working to bring people to the restored gospel. What he does is in the end no different from what we are doing right now, and that was an interesting thought to chew on. I'm a fetching apostle? He went further to illustrate the dedication necessary to this work with a personal statement:

"My life is like my shoes. When they're worn out, God can throw 'em away."


Big deep breath.

Think about that for a minute there.

Yeah, he's hardcore. But that's excellent, because that's the sort of dedication we need to have as missionaries. And while the details aren't appropriate for the blog, I'm gonna remember that discourse for a long time. Especially because I wrote four effin' pages about it in my journal. :D It was super-beef soup for my missionary soul. I also got to see Elder Taylor! Oi, Hinkleys - I found your man. What do you want me to do with him?

Something that's also a nice booster for the work here (and relative to the people back and home too!) is the receipt of a package from the Slate Canyon 8th Ward Primary - my home ward! I got tons of chocolate and Reese's...and I'll guiltily admit that it all got eaten within three days.

Home ward, I love you! Thank you so much for the delicious goodies!

Speaking of goodies, I've also been drinking some Crystal Light that my Mom sent me with the first package. When I start the day:

...and when I end the day:

And yes. That's a fricking glass Coke bottle. Weird, huh? They're so common here, but I never really remember seeing them in the US.

Aw. Man. So much stuff to discuss...but time's running out! I gotta go now, people. BUT. As always...send me something! I have updated the "How Do I Write Gubler?" page in accordance with the most up-to-date info - including my snail mail and GVoice, for those who are interested in leaving me voice mail. It's an interesting idea I'm thinking of keeping...but we'll see how it works.Don't forget that y'all are awesome! Keep it real!





Come one, come all, as mission life for Elder Erich Gubler drastically changes!

But first...let's review the facts.

First off is that I, Elder Gubler, fetching love coconut milk. It's so easy and cheap, and it's good if you've got some frustrations. There's lots of good food here in Brazil. There's things I'm gonna miss about it when all said and done. Which also leads me to this...I'm kind of sad, for several reasons. I had to ditch an investigator that has been one of my absolute favorites so far and is complete UCAS material. Yes, I said it: UCAS material. This sucks. As missionaries, dropping people that refuse to progress is something we have to do and unfortunately rather common in an open-hearted country where one-shot investigators abound. I love you investigators who are interested in Americans, speaking English, and studying this interesting new subject we present to you (which is a lot - go through at least a dozen every week). But if you can't fulfill your commitments and go to fetching church, we can't fetching baptize you, because you're not progressing! Insert big sad face here!

Second is that my training is ending. AWWW FETCH. My time with my semi-spiritual dad is coming to a  close, starting tomorrow! I have no idea who my next companion (my stepdad, so to say) is or where I'll be serving with him, but I have a feeling that it will be difficult to fill the gap left by the incredible Elder Biddulph:

The son and his father, in their beautifully exchanged ties. I wrote on E. B's (blue one), "God help the man who defiles the spirit of work invested in this tie."
E. B, I'm gonna fetching miss you. Don't forget to check the blog every once in awhile! We'll be sure to meet again in Utah, if not on the mission. I'm not TOO worried about it...because he left me the hereditary tie. I'm wearing it right now. And I'm wearing it in that picture. Never shall I forget this Elder...and always shall I strive to have his same work ethic.

Of course, let's not forget my fantastic place of birth here on the mission! Siqueira Campos, don't forget me! Because I'll be back. And I'll be better than I was. At the very least, I'll be staying here in the state of Sergipe - I wasn't told to go to Maceió for the transfer meeting. All them details will be posted next Monday!

In the meantime, here's this week selection of assorted goodies:
  • I fetching made a correction in the introduction of a big Portuguese dictionary I've got here. They misspelled the word "grega", which means "Greek".
  • I realize now that religious nerds don't bother me now. Scary.
  • Got a cool Hot Wheels car from a young boy in the area who really wanted to give me a good sendaway present - and he did! Hot Wheels is a big deal here. Thanks, Washington! Take care of your mom, and tell 'em I said "Oi!".
Oof. Next week's gonna be crazy. But just know that y'all are awesome! Don't forget to shoot me something! I translated the How to Write page the best I could - anybody see any errors? Don't forget to subscribe to the blog, in case you haven't done so - because emails in your inbox really CAN keep you updated. ;)


At May 7, 2012 at 11:14 AM , Blogger Douglas Heans Nascimento said...

Hello Gubler! We, the members of Ala Siqueira Campos lost a great missionary. We'll miss Elder Gubler, or better, Elder Crazy Gubler, hahaha.


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