Monday, November 12, 2012

Having Fun

I've actually been learning about taking things a little more slowly and showing a little more love to investigators this last week. Being tired of hit-and-run teaching, I decided to socialize a wee bit and let the conversation drift with some of the "cooler" investigators - it's about the same thing, but not nearly as stressful. I've been testing the theory that PMG has - you can teach just half a lesson if you need. It works really well - and I think I'm hitting more milestones as I take time to make our lessons a cooler experience for especially the youth we happen upon. Patience is definitely something I've learned this transfer. I'm grateful for my companion in this respect - he's helped me learn a lot of patience.

Speaking of my companion, our companionship is better than ever. I decided to go a little more out on my branch with respect to doing things I prefer instead of just tolerating everything strange my companion does, and I believe that it's working out for the better - we're forced to come to better understandings and expectations of what the other does, and when we overcome problems the companionship gets to be a richer experience. Did you and Dad have a lot of adjustments to make at the beginning of your marriage? I'm seeing both of your influences in the way I like to conduct living space. It's kind of weird.

I found out that the feirinha here sells OptiFree. It's cool to send the contacts - I just need to find a few things (I think I'll finally be using the small hand towel I've got) to help with keeping hands clean, and I should be good. I'm excited to see what the world here is like without glasses!

I have a joke for the Brazilian family across the street. You can try to translate it too if you want, but it's not quite as funny in English: ;)

Era uma vez, Arnold Schwartzenagger tava usando o computador dele e de repente quebrou. Trouxe pra loja pra concertar, e daí ele pediu conserto do computador dele. O técnico replicou "Oi, posso concertar, mas temos que formatar o computador. Tem que escolher uma versão de Windows pra colocar depois. Qual você quer?"

O que você acha que falou?

"Instala Vista, baby."


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