Looking to change lives
Woo. I'm a fetching happy guy! 2/3 of the areas in my district have baptized this transfer! It's just lacking...us! Woo. And I'm pretty sure we're gonna baptize this week! I'm super exciteeeeed! WOOHOO!
We actually had a baptism lined up for this last week, but it looks like they've got a little proving to do - but to me they're almost certainly baptized. If I stay another transfer here, I'll be here during the time that they can be baptized. I'll be sure to be careful with helping this person stay excited about the Church and being committed to God.
Actually, I think it's interesting how many small miracles we've had this last week. None of our investigators we'd been teaching went to Church...but the members went ahead and found 3 more references who went of their own volition. I was pretty happy! It's entirely possible we'll be baptizing every week, which is the Standard of Excellence that Prez. Gonzaga established soon after arriving here. Cool, huh? I'll be really happy to realize that standard if I can. Can't wait to work my butt off for them baptisms. :)
Watching a baptism itself is invigorating, for those who don't know. I, as a missionary, long to see people who are seeking something better finding it - and I know that through making their covenant of baptism they make that first step. Lives change, man, when they come out of the water. And I got to see it this last week. It's a nice reminder that what we do here really DOES make a difference. See the updated photo album for some of the baptismal meeting! Missionary encouragement get!
Lives also change, too, as they enter and become immersed in the work of the Lord. Being a missionary is something I love now, and though I know I say it a lot...I'm fetching happy to be where I am. I'm really looking forward to this next week, and to the new stuff I'll have to learn to be an even better person! I'm also very excited because we finally got a Ward Mission Leader called - and he's a spunky RM who's got a lot of good ideas. I do believe I passed a rough spot on my mission without knowing it - this week seems the most hopeful of all of the weeks I"ve spent here until this point. But that's the way it should be, right?
Anyway. As always, most of the stories can't be shared here because this is a blog, not a novel! But don't forget to write. I never tire of exhorting others to write, because...who knows, maybe somebody will actually do it someday? For those who are in doubt, check the "How Do I Write Gubler?" tab above! You won't regret it, I swear!
That said, gotta run. Tchau, gente! Until next time!

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