Monday, November 19, 2012

Lessons, Headaches and Changes

Man. We always find and ditch a lot of new investigators for various reasons, but this last week was particularly bad. At the very least, we've got a baptism for this week! We're finally gonna baptize in this areaaaaaa! I was worried - perhaps I would have to say I had an area I didn't baptize in?! But no! Elder Gubler can still proudly say he'll have baptized with every companion and area thus far. I got to chat with Prez about some interesting things - and we talked specifically about the challenges of leadership. I know that 


A general description of last week:


Lots of consecutive lessons. Lots of headache. Lots of changes in teaching style as experiments. I'm learning lots about how to help people accept the restored gospel. Right now we're gonna be teaching a lot more effective lessons with member - our ward mission leader is being our fetching advocate. I love him to death. :)

I've learned more about using organizational structure between human workers and how effective it can be, when everybody does their part. I'm also starting to slowly see just how oriented mission life is to developing leaders - somebody is always having to pick up the work and start doing things decisively here on the mission. I've discovered that even if you decide on things people don't necessarily agree with, they tend to like you better as a person because you are being decisive. Perhaps that's part of the reason I like the LZs I've worked with in my entire mission - even though not everyone is perfect and I don't always understand the decisions that will be made, at the very least I can count on them to be firm in whatever they do - and they're just trying to do the right thing.


I've also gained a better testimony of fasting. I missed the fast at the beginning of this month because I spaced it - but when I finally got around to it I felt much better spiritually, mentally, even physically. The fast is a curious thing - and I plan on abusing a lot more after seeing more than few blessings from it.


Random anecdotes of the week:

  • Taught 8 lessons in one day. Record!
  • Somebody said this to me as we passed by their house: "O que eu vou receber se eu aparecer lá na sua Igreja?"
  • My companion and I invented an epic super power (this one would be Daniel Harral's). Has anybody thought of a power that specifically reverses the Big Bang?
  • Quotes by Gubler:
    • "Charity is when you love somebody - a specific somebody - more than your own life."
    • "The difference between a man of God and the natural is the disposition to sacrifice oneself."

Alright. Sorry for the randomness. :P


That's all, folks, for now! This week I learned some stuff that's probably changed my personality for the better. It's been a great week, and I look forward to the next. DON'T FORGET TO WRIIIIIIIITE!


Love  -Erich



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