Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The yoke is light!


I'm hoping that this week we'll finally find somebody that'll stick with us. Right now, our area is centered away from the most populous parts of the ward - E. Acevedo and I work closer to the church, and far fewer members live there. However, a division is coming, and the part that's got the vast majority of people will become its own stake. For now, we're helping people to prepare through reactivation efforts - The DL and I went through a huge list of the recent-converts and are gonna be paying plenty of visits to them during this week. Cross your fingers for baptism!



This last week I've learned a little bit about being serious when you're leading. Can't please everybody, and not everything needs a joke - but it helps when you time things right. Training is the biggest leadership project I've ever had - more hours than a few dozen Eagle Projects! I'm really loving it, and I hope that with a few of the challenges I'll be designing for E. Acevedo he'll be achieving his maximum on his mission. He deserves it.



I just about died laughing the other day (in restrospect) because of a contact that actually followed us after knocking on her daughter's house. She followed us into somebody else's house, telling us about how we didn't need to tract at her daughter's house because she had a rosary above her bed and she herself belonged to "God's Assembly" and that Jesus and her had things all cool. She kept getting louder until she was at a very solid volume, nearly shouting herself hoarse while we were trying to converse with her neighbors. It was pretty silly, and I had to seriously resist the temptation to laugh in her face.



Anyway, the work is easy and the yoke is light! I'm just...doing more mission-ing, I guess. Sweat = work = lessons = commitments = fulfilled commitments = baptism. LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO.



Don't forget I love y'all! I'm afraid that when I call you guys during Christmas I'm going to have a Brazilian accent - I'm forgetting little bits of English here and there and it's starting to worry me. I'm responding to people automatically in Portuguese now. It's almost scary. But I like it! Just gotta expect it when the time comes, right?



I love y'all. Can't say it too many times. :) Say hi to everybody in the ward for me! And tell them to SEND ME EMAIL/LETTERS



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