Monday, August 19, 2013

Another "Big One", but not so big really

Welp, after copping out for two weeks, here I come with a rather radical update!
I'm now literally on the other side of the mission, in the Lagarto Zone! Geographically, the biggest and most spread out zone in the mission. Aaaaand...yeah. For those of you looking at the link, that includes the cities of Itabaiana (old area!), Itaporanga D'Ajuda, Estância, Lagarto itself, and Tobias Barreto. 4 branches and a Lots of modern-day pioneers living in my zone here.
And...yeah. It's WAY the heck out there. It's also the first time I've been burdened with the calling of a Zone Leader, and it's...pretty stressful. But it'll all work out! It's hard, but it's one of the funnest things I've done too. I've learned a lot about leading and also about being one, according to John 17:21. We need to be one, because if we're not, we're not His. A lot of problems that I'm seeing in my zone is that they simply haven't developed a method of working together yet - because we just got transferred. So...our priority is to get ourselves familiar with each other, and work out how we're going to work together as a functional unit of work in God's vineyard. You could say that teamwork is an essential part of God's plan for anything that requires more than one person. And it's not easy, but it's possible. You have to use goals to unite yourselves, and you have to be truly committed so you can change the way He needs you - but He'll help you if you're humble and just knuckle under and work.
My new comp's name is E. Henrique, a Paulista with a great sense of humor. He's the second Brazilian I know serious about practicing English, and he already talks pretty well. We work pretty well together, and we've had a lot of well-met personal adjustment with our companionship. I'm really satisfied with the success we had there, but now...we just gotta start baptizing every week. Because really, if WE don't, how on earth can we expect to help others do the same?
Yeah. Baptizing weekly is our goal. And we gonna do it too. We just gotta juggle ZL duties with the difficulty that this area is having, and God should take care of the rest.                                                                            
D&C 38:27Pray for us! We're gonna need it to do our job. Every time I feel tempted to feel sorry for myself, I just reread John 19 - and remember that I'm shoulder to shoulder with the problems He faced so that everything would work out for me. I love y'all, and love the correspondence I receive from y'all - it helps a lot. Don't forget to write!


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