Monday, June 10, 2013

Alright, well, this email's gonna be a lot shorter than I wanted it to be, but hey. Exciting news. I got TRANSFERRED, involved in an emergency transfer that happened because of all the little Americanzinhos that're getting their visas stuck and arriving in the middle of the transfers. Now I'm the LD of 4 Sisters, 2 of them being the Trainer Leaders of the mission. I've heard some interesting comments from President about the emails he gets from Sisters about their leaders, so looks like I'm gonna have to be a tip-top chap to do what's gotta be done for now. The only thing that actually changes is that I can't do divisions with them, because it's expressly forbidden that I step into their area unless I'm interviewing somebody. For now, we'll see how things coast out until the transfer here in two weeks. I miss E. Mechaileh, but now I'm with an interesting guy from ParĂ¡ whose name is E. Bispo - a certain irony, seeing as my new area, which is called Gurguri, has only one counselor representing a bishopric here! For now, the stake president is the I'm gonna have to call him up and get things coordinated with him soon. This ward's almost entirely composed of young adults - remember play church, Dad? It's kind of like that. Except a lot more little kids. More info next time!

Brief spiritual trace from the studies: John 15:13-15. I'm a missionary, a representative called of God...therefore I'm called to be a friend to all. I hadn't thought of that this before. It helps to remind me of the love I need to show to people the best way I can. Because Christ is MY best friend. And I'm representing Him. He didn't have to bother with me, but He went ahead and sacrificed himself for me anyway. Because of the love that He felt.

I know how I feel about it. How do _you_ feel about it?

...aaaaaand the lan house here has a very decent net connection. So I'll be able to send people photos soon. I hope you're all happy and well! Don't forget to write, as always, and always know that I'm planning on coming back home exhausted...because there's work to do everywhere.


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