Monday, September 9, 2013

A better week

This last week was really, really good. We're trying our best to use the Spirit and it looks like we're succeeding. Last week was one of the happiest weeks I've had on my mission, and I think it was for my comp too - he went ahead and performed the ordinance in Tobias after I did the interview for the DL, and so he's juiced up now with some baptismal perspective. The awesome part was that he did it in a swimming pool, which is really rare here. It was a special moment for the branch members here.
 I continue to learn many things about the gospel through my studies and teaching. I have come to appreciate much better the Sermon on the Mount, and Christ's wisdom, especially in 3 Nephi 13. The focus he has on sincerity in our actions and worship is impressive to me. I'm getting close to finishing the Book of Mormon for the second time in my life, this time in another language. How cool is that? Dad, do you still have a German Book of Mormon? I wonder if I should learn another language after the mission. I wouldn't be able to have the same experience as Portuguese...but that will have to be according to planning and some good thinking.
 I'm feeling way better this week about how we're working, and the work itself is going great. We're finding people with the many ties that seem coincidental to the Church, and that know members really well...but for some reason, it's been years since the missionaries have seen them. We're hoping to get them to Church, because it seems that time has served to soften their hearts. We have a couple we'll be baptizing this week, Fabiano and Adriana, and then we'll get Fabiano's sister and her husband started with the marriage process. I'm excited! I hope to find more couples, because they're generally the firmest after you get them both on track! I can teach all the couple I want here without the state of mind, "Well, I'll set them up for the next Elders...", because I'm likely going to pass the next 3 months here. It'll be great to see them in the water...but it'll be according to our hard work! Pray for us!
 E. Henrique is a Paulista - he's a very patient guy, and I'd charactize him like a history professor. He likes to get to know things for their history, their background, the people involved - he's pretty nerdy, and a very spiritual person. He doesn't like getting on people's case, though he's a good example with being a good friend. I have to help him many times to be a true friend and not a pal (i.e., speaking the truth boldly when necessary), but that's the greater part of his challenges. He learns fast, and likes to think about what we can do to always do better. I trust him very much, and he's up there with E. Biddulph and E. Mechaileh in terms of companionship.
 Anyway. For now, the time's a-runnin', so I'm gonna have to get outta here. But thanks for all your love and support while I'm here on the best run of the mission yet. Don't forget to write! I love y'all


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