Monday, October 21, 2013

Yeah, P-day!

Hmm. This last week was a lot of work...we worked like crazy, and we were able to teach a lot of people. But...perhaps we've yet to better how we seek the Lord in the process. It's interesting how what seems to be our challenge is also the challenge of the whole zone...I guess there's something in being held to the standard of your leaders! It's a great battle we're engaged in, I suppose. Whew. I'm just glad God's given us P-Day to clean and sharpen our weapons, and let us rest a bit. I'll be rethinking a bit how we're grinding...and reflecting a lot. Perhaps that's what was lacking the most during this week - time to calm down, time to think, time to reflect, time to let the Spirit flow in the calm that's necessary outside of studies.
Loooots of rest and relaxation this P-day!
Inline image 2
...oops. D: There went a whole bottle of drinking water!
Inline image 1
Heh, last-minute photo shoot!
The last week was particularly notable because for the second time in my life, I've completed the Book of Mormon! This was in Portuguese. :D I learned a lot more than the first time around! Only my journal is able to recount the most of what I was able to understand and take away from its passages. My reverence for this Book has greatly increased, and I'm so glad that I has been privileged to have it since my baptism at 8 years. Rather ironic that it took more than a decade to get it all read the first time, huh?
At the moment, trying to remember all of the great things I learned is drawing a blank...but I remember that I now have a greater understanding and respect for God's plan, and the many mechanisms He has for guiding His children. I learned about the gospel in its clear fullness, about how important it is to listen to the many sources of truth He puts in our path. Prayer, scriptures, prophets, the Holy Ghost, family, friends...these are merely some of the things He uses to guide me. I learned about the importance of being humble enough to listen to the instructions provided by these sources, and I understand much better how how difficult it truly is to do that. I learned about myself, and how far I have to go to even begin to scratch the surface of the good qualities that Christ has. Anything good that may be observed from me was always the result of what Christ did so that the good could be developed. I have developed a firm testimony of His love and His tireless diligence...a diligence that I feel a great need to emulate, so that I may take advantage of and share the privileges He extends to those who are willing to do as He asks. Many of these privileges are spiritual tools, knowledge that has empowered me to overcome many obstacles He permitted me to experience...things I'll be using forever! So...yeah. I'm extremely happy to have given another pass in the great cornerstone of the true Church. And now...I'll be giving a pass in Doctrine and Covenants. :D
Some highlights from the studies:
Moroni -23 - A feeling of incapacity to follow the things we know the Lord wishes us to do comes from our doing wrong. If we're doing what's right...we feel hope! If you're feeling despair, repent, kick ol' Scratch outta your head, and start feeling and doing better!
D&C 107:92 - My mind was faintly blown by learning this. Thomas S. Monson holds the right to all spirituagifts today, because of his office. That's...a lot of spiritual boost right there. o_0
The last thing I learned about this last week was about commitment. Commitment is something really important! Being committed to the gospel, to the Church, is what helps us attend to all the things that the Lord needs us to (Matthew). Commitment to doing what you say you believe is also important, and thus faith is in a certain fashion a commitment to our belief. Commitment is not the will to try, but the effort we exert to fulfill the purpose we have supposedly committed ourselves to - it can be measured by the results of those efforts to do that which we believe to be our priorities. 
That said, this week I would like to focus on my commitment to God and to doing what I understand He wants me to do. I realize that I don't understand all of it - and so I'll have to be open to what He has taught through the scriptures I have already read and that I've yet to read this next week. I'll probably have to modify my current habits to do that - but I'm willing to do so, if it means having a greater commitment to that which I testify to others in the lessons I teach.
**sigh**. Yeah. I'm getting old, huh? After this week...there's only one more transfer left. Then I'll be seeing Shawn and his crazy hairdo. SAYWHAT Dude, who are you and how long did it take you to eat my brother? ;) I'm's likely the time on my mission I'll be learning the most. All of my life has led up to the time I'm passing now. I don't want to let anything stop me from taking advantage of it! 
That said...I'm gonna run and write a little bit, since there's more letters and emails. I'm well and am loving life. Keep your chin up! I'm hanging in here. Don't forget to write!


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