Monday, October 7, 2013

Work, College Plans and Pictures

Whoo! I had forgotten that there were so many details involved with could take awhile. I still want to see if I'm any good with messing with circuits themselves.
I remember that the most difficult thing was just working up the courage and suck up the suffering that the circuit classes supplied.
This last week, I've learned a little bit more about work. We had another zone meeting, and E. Ralph and I spent a lot of time working on what we would pass to our zone...when you pile that on top of a leadership counsel and General Conference, we really had a lot of meetings...and not much time to proselytize. We worked like crazy, and I'm glad I'm learning to do it here...because if I work in college like I'm working here, I'm sure as heck gonna do better than I did. It's interesting to see how God has shaped me until now. I'm beginning to notice things that I never noticed before, and beginning to manage things I thought I'd never be able to do. I feel special in His hands. I hope that this week we can continue the process...because the mission's a ton of work and a ton of fun.
I shall think of how to express what I've learned this last week...I believe it shall have to be something special for the family. :)
We have a lot of things scheduled for the next week with the we're hoping to find some excellently-integrated teaching opportunities. This week, we'll be baptizing Luís, the brother of our latest convert, Laís. I'll finally be including a few photos here!

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E. Ralph and I. Don't worry, we only do this in the house!
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Our last batch of baptisms. Laís is the one on the far left, the couple's Fabiano and Adriana!
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Leadership Counsel the day after Pres.'s 50th birthday. Feliz aniversário, Presidente!

I haven't been quite satisfied with the blog posts I've been sending lately...I'll have to resume writing my thoughts before I get to the computer so that I can write something more meaningful.

But yeah. Didn't get many letters, but I'm sure feeling good. I shall be pushing more letters here in a little bit (and a little surprise for Shawn!), so I hope that next week I'll be updating myself with some of you. I love y'all! Don't forget to write please!


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