Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Last Post from Home!

Welp. I'm Elder Gubler now. It's in my journal (well, the first of the three). I'm heading off to the MTC in an hour and a half. And I feel strangely calm.

I got ordained in the same building as my father did. That's another weird thing to think about.

I wonder how the food'll taste over at the MTC.

I'm also supposedly meeting my cousin, who teaches French at the MTC.

I know several of the people who teach Portuguese at the MTC. It'll be cool to see them again.

Here goes nothing!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Queue the "Jeopardy" Theme!

It's less than 12 hours until I'm set apart as a missionary.
Holy cow.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

An update for my visa!

So, this last Wednesday (the 14th) I had the opportunity to go with Danae Burton, her sister Carissa, and Tiana Richardson to the Provo Temple. I'm still unfamiliar with much of the goings-on in the temple, but I was able to do sealings with Tiana while Carissa and Danae went to the baptistry.

I mention this because not two days after, I attended a wedding in Salt Lake City for my cousin, and since his brother was late I was asked to act as a witness for the marriage itself. Luckily for me, I'd already done a sealing! It was an awesome opportunity. I was rather surprised how short a time it took for the actual ceremony.

Anyway, while I was in Salt Lake, I stopped by the LDS Chuch Office building so I could take care of some details in Missionary Travel - they'd finally gotten back with me about my visa! They estimate that it'll be roughly 6-8 weeks from that time to get me my visa to Brazil.This means while I'm certainly gonna have my MTC experience in Provo instead of Sao Paulo, I shouldn't be delayed in going out to Maceio where I was called!

Might be a delayed response, but I'm getting so excited! I already know a few of the people that teach Portuguese at the Provo MTC, and they're really friendly and easy to speak with in both languages. I suppose that my biggest worry about living in the MTC now is just maintaining a healthy weight... XD

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Placeholder Alert!

Just so people aren't getting lost when they're redirected from other parts of my online presence, I'm making this temporary post. Yes! Contact information for me on my mission will be forthcoming, just as soon as I find the time after finals. ETA is tentatively set for this coming Thursday.

In the meantime, thanks for the support! The fact you're reading this makes me very happy.