Monday, September 24, 2012




This week has been relatively uneventful with respect to teaching, though I'm finding myself being brainwashed. I'm actually starting to like talking about random doctrine! Help! I'm participating in Elders' Quorum! Nobody's forcing me to! Blaaargh! I'm sad that a few investigators didn't go to church...though I'm excited for the number that should be coming this week. We're actually teaching an investigator right now that had her mom receive the Book from the Elders in the era of the discussions - I saw the green Plan of Salvation pamphlet that you guys handed out! I just about cried. Yes, I know it sounds almost childish, but suddenly it made the fact that both of my parents went on missions somehow more tangible, something that actually happened instead of a story. I'm hoping to get a picture of me with that pamphlet, and the ones we use today - wish me luck!


Blargh. Ran out of stuff to say. But I love you guuuys! Don't ever forget it. And don't forget to WRITE ME PEOPLE! It's always excellent to have some substantial mail to read when I hunker down to take care of everything on Monday. Viu? Até a próxima semana!





Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pajucara Zone and D.L.

This is gonna sound weird...but my life is slowly being consumed by the mission. Heeelp! I'm thinking about the members, and the investigators, and sh-piritual stuff, and...not really much else. Occasionally I'm reminded of people from home when I see certain things, but it's like...a different life now. Perhaps that's why Prez. Gonzaga made the decision to make me DL.

That's right. I'm a fetching District Leader. WHAT DO I DOOOO. I'm rather nervous to have my first ever District Meeting led, conducted, and effected completely by me. Elder Gubler. That one nutsy American missionary. It happens tomorrow! Wish me luck, y'all! But I think I'll be alright - generally studying's got a habit of quickly lending confidence to the doubts that inevitably assail every day.

In other news, that also means a new area. I'm part of the Pajuçara Zone - I actually live with the Zone Leaders! I'll put up pictures once I find a lan house with the machine physically accessible - I finally sucked it up and just bought batteries for my camera. My wallet's fetchin' WHISTLING. :(

However, I have had an increase in missionary technology. I'm considering writing missionary technique articles during and after my mission - I've got some ideas *I* think are pretty handy for being a missionary. I'll have to take some pictures of the neat stuff I've developed/collected in my almost-9-months here on the mission.

Whoa. Wait. 9 months already? Awfetch. My mission's more than a third of the way over. D: Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! Not cool! I'm already stressed enough without realizing thaaat. :x

I won't pretend that I'm not stressed. The area has its fair share of challenges (though they're very different from the last area). I gave the Tie of Heroes (remember the tie I received from MY missionary father? See previous posts) to my little Mexican, E. Acevedo (I love you dude!). And now...I can see the fetching sea from our house. Life'll settle down after this week, I'm pretty sure. So...just gotta perseverar até o fim!

Just a final thought I'd like to leave from the book of Alma, in the great ol' Book of Mormon! Alma 29 13:16

Monday, September 10, 2012

**sigh** I got transferred. For some reason, the Lord has seen fit to break the normal pattern of training for 2 transfers and has decided to leave E. Acevedo with 1-1/2. Now I'll be leaving the Colina Ward, and I'll be heading off to a great unknown. Tune in next time to see the next companion and area! Perhaps I'll actually have found batteries for my camera by that time. :P In the meantime...think I'm gonna fast. Heh, I'm not really feeling like eating right now. Already packed up everything - just gotta wait and give all the farewells to the new lifelong (hopefully!) friends I've made here.

Leaving areas and companions is hard. Especially this one. And I know exactly why - it's because here is the place I've suffered and sweat the most. I put the most blood and tears I think I ever have in my life into this area, the Colina Ward in Maceió. And you joy is full. I'm so very happy for the privilege to serve here, and while I know when I arrive in my next area I'll feel like it'll never measure up I'm still gonna feel the same way about each of the other areas I come into contact with. I've learned a lot here about being sincere, and sacrifice. I've had to teach other people to make sacrifices to God, so they can become closer to him - and thus I didn't have much choice but to internalize my own teachings, huh? It's been really good. I'm really looking forward to all the new stuff I'll be learning from my next companion - I just hope he's patient enough to tolerate me for six weeks!

Speaking of which, I'd like to thank my old companion. E. Acevedo, I don't know if you'll ever see this post; nevertheless, I'd like to thank you for your patience. Come what may, you always stayed cool and just tried to support me and never complained. You always sought to learn according to the needs of the people we taught, and already have a significant mastery of the Portuguese language. You already came prepared, man! I love you, and I hope that your next companion learns at least as much as I learned from you this last transfer.

Also, all the teachings of sacrifice led me to something I'd never thought of before: that sacrifice my own Mom made to get me here. Both my parents worked hard to make sure I was doing the right stuff, but until recently I hadn't considered the true scope of the sacrifice they both made - especially my Mom's. My mom has put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into keeping Erich Gubler a happy (but well-prepared!) son.

I have to go. I've got many farewells to give to people that have become dear friends in a short time - and time's a-tickin'! Don't forget to write, my lovelies. I preserve everything I get - so make my bags heavy!

With much love,


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Erich's news

Some more 1sts for Erich in Brazil.

Erich says the following:

I have a list of more mission firsts! Pay attention, because you're not seeing these again (because then they wouldn't be firsts, right?):

- Taught a woman with a crooked neck. Her head was literally at a 30-degree angle in its natural position. Ugggh. D:

- Got locked in an investigator's house WITH THEIR KIDS as they went to go grab something to eat for everybody real fast. Rawr. Nothing to do but wait...and I don't like waiting to do missionary work. :P

- Met with a less-active member that had a hard time with some words we used, which are generally considered basic. I suggested a dictionary only half-jokingly, and now we're actually going to go buy one for this person. Weird. Never thought I'd actually have to do that.

End list. A random note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEE! I'm 20 years old as of September 1st, so now I get to decide how I'm going to initiate the 3rd decade of my life. You know what'd make this missionary extremely happy? A BIRTHDAY CARD. That said, I'd like to take the opportunity to panhandle letters! I love email/snail mail, and you can contact me with both using the information on the "How Do I Write Gubler?" page.

Hope you guys are all happy and healthy at home!

I love y'all, and don't you forget it! Até a próxima!
