Meeting goals
There's lot of little things I could say - this week had a few lessons that were building up from the last...but before I attack the little stuff I must announce to the world that we had 2 baptisms. :DDDDD (lots of pictures here)
Yeaaaah! There's the new album, with TONS of new photos to boot. I moved some photos that I put in the "5th Transfer" album so that they reflect their true origin, and perhaps for Christmas I'll upload the rest (i.e., photos from transfers 1-5) I've got for their appropriate orders.
Both of these baptisms actually fell into our lap - they were not an investigator with whom we had shed blood, sweat and tears to get into the font. However, they are both very strong converts, and I'm really happy to be able to help them into the fold of the Bariloche ward. The first, the girl, is a recent convert's daughter who finally decided that she would just get in the water. The other I'm actually looking forward to training - the dude David, who's 17 years old - to teach about the gospel too. Right now it's just pumping him up for the mission, and off he'll go! He participates readily in gospel discussions he has little knowledge about, and even though he never attended in our ward before he's already made good friends and is being really proactive. Hopefully he becomes a ward missionary soon! This guy is a dream convert. :3
I've learned a lot more about being an effective leader and being proactive, and to propose solutions rather than problems. Even if you don't like something the other guy is saying, it's a lot easier to accept when he's being proactive. This requires a little resolve that I had to develop in the last couple of weeks - and life has had an interesting and subtle change in the last little while. What could this mean? Is Gubler becoming a man?! All I know is that I'm grateful for the patient people around me who were waiting for me to finally realize this lesson.
Anyway. That's all for now, folks! I'm feeling pretty darn good, because we met about half of our weekly goals. That is fetching satisfying. :) But rest not on these laurels! I'm still expecting y'all to WRITE ME SOME DARN LETTERS because I'm feeling a snail mail famine right now. :( Don't forget about meee!